Sunday, September 18, 2011

super skinny models

super skinny models,,,,,,,super skinny models,,,,,,,,,super skinny models,,,,,super skinny models

Some members of the fashion industry were patting themselves on the back last week with claims that there were more "curves and smiles" on the Fashion Week runways this year. (See AP article below.) We beg to differ. What we saw on the runways was more of the same: women so thin they not only made us gasp in disbelief, but also made us forget to look at the clothes (which can't be good for business). Here are a few of the ultra-thin girls the top designers dressed this season, and because it's the designer who should be taken to task for promoting these dangerous standards, we cropped the heads out of these images to protect the models' identities. Some of them are barely 14 years old, after all.